In many African countries, including Malawi and Nigeria, by the age of 5 up to 50% of children are mentally and physically stunted – globally equating to 159 million children. One of the key reasons for this is that they have not received the nutrition they need during pregnancy and the first two years of their lives – globally, only 16% of babies and toddlers get enough diverse and nutritious foods every day.

This is a HUGE injustice as often the food supply is there but there is lack of awareness of the importance of  exclusive breastfeeding and combining the right foods for their child.

Added to that, for an expectant mum, for example in Malawi, there is a 60 times higher risk of dying in pregnancy and childbirth, compared to the UK

Find out what works

Investing in the first 1000 days has been shown to provide one of the best returns on investment for development funding. Every $1 invested provides a return of $35!

It also has long lasting impact: children who get the right nutrition during the first 1000 days are 10 times more likely to overcome life threatening childhood diseases, complete nearly 5 more grades in school, and go on to earn 21% more in wages and have healthier families of their own

Global institutions such as the World Bank and including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have developed an overall framework for ‘Investing in Nutrition.’

BE A VISIONARY – support this vision!

Our 1000 dreams vision is one of justice: to see the outcomes for every Mum and child in Africa, being at least as good as that in the UK.

This is compatible with the World Health Organisations’ target of reducing stunting by 40% by 2025.

In moving towards realising this vision, our contributory goal over the next 3 years is to see 1000 mums in Malawi and Nigeria, supported through this programme, by 1000 UK supporters,

Will you be one of these 1000 supporters?

Giving £10 a month

The very best way you can support this vision is by sponsoring a mum, her child and family for the whole 1000 days, by giving just £10 a month for 1000 days (33 months). By giving this way, your ongoing gift will be contributing to the support of a Mother Buddy who provides life saving support for each vulnerable mum. She will support each mum and her family with on average about 10 home-based visits over the 1000 days – see the details of the programme here.

You will get a framed ArtPrint posted to you and receive periodic project updates by email and will be notified when the 1000 days support has completed.

This is one of the best investments you can make in terms of overseas development programmes. Please will you invest now.


Invest Now

Give a one-off gift

In addition or alternatively, you can support just the pregnancy period for a one-off gift of £44.95.

You or whoever you are supporting will receive a beautiful framed ArtPrint by post. (see photo above).

There are several situations in which you can give;

  1.  If you’re pregnant you can twin your own pregnancy, and receive the ArtPrint yourself.
  2.  If a relative or friend’s pregnant then you can twin them and have the ArtPrint sent to them.
  3.  Or simply give a twinning as a gift to a friend or relative for an occasion such as a birthday, baby shower or as a Christmas present.
  4.  Or finally, maybe you just want to support the programme by just sponsoring a pregnancy.

And in all cases, a framed ArtPrint will be sent either to your friend/relative or direct to you, which you can display, (e.g. in your nursery).



Give a one-off Pregnancy Twinning Gift
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"A large body of scientific evidence shows that improving nutrition during the critical 1,000 day window from a woman’s pregnancy to her child’s second birthday has the potential to save lives, help millions of children develop fully and thrive, and deliver greater economic prosperity".

Investing in Nutrition Report