1000 days for a lifetime of health

Half of all Malawian children are malnourished and at risk of irreversible stunting and wasting by their fifth birthday.

For just £10 per month for 33 months, you can become a 1000 Days Sponsor and help us reach our goal of supporting 1000 mums over the next 3 years! You’ll be giving an infant in Malawi or Nigeria the right start for a lifetime of health. We’ll send you regular updates from the programme.

You’ll see the difference you’re making to a child’s life over two years.

Help us meet our dream – in the short term to help 1000 mums in Africa in the next 3 years – please invest in the next generation by becoming a 1000 dreams sponsor.

You’ll receive a framed Certificate of a representative mum and her baby, already helped by the programme, that your donations will support, along with periodic updates by email.

And to support a key part of the first 1000 days, you can also give a cash gift – to twin yours or a friend’s pregnancy or to give as a present for an occasion – see below.


Become a 1000 days sponsor


For each of these cash gifts you will be supporting the pregnancy/delivery period within the first 1000 days and you or your friend/relative will receive a Certificate (either through the post or by email), of a representative mum and baby, helped by the programme, that your donation supports:

I'm Pregnant Twin Me

Congratulations! Go for this option if you are pregnant yourself, and you want to help another family across the world - you'll receive your own Certificate.

I'm Pregnant Twin Me

Sponsor a pregnancy

Maybe nobody's pregnant but you just love the idea and want to help

Sponsor a pregnancy